Theory & Problem of Statistics & Econometrics 2-e博客來流行趨勢

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Theory & Problem of Statistics & Econometrics 2-e博客來流行趨勢 開箱文 博客來網路書店

內容簡介: 博客來網路書店 The updated and expanded second edition of the internationally bestselling guide to principles and practices for undergraduate business and economics students taking mandatory economics statistics courses. - Features four new sections—on nonparametric tests, the Logit Model, the Probit Model, and causality tests—complete with new models and tests used in financial econometrics, and a new chapter on time series econometrics - Over 100,000 students enrolled annually - Includes numerous examples, completely worked problems, supplementary problems, and two full-length self-examinations


Theory & Problem of Statistics & Econometrics 2-e博客來流行趨勢 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:新月    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2001/10/01
  • 語言:英文

Theory & Problem of Statistics & Econometrics 2-e博客來流行趨勢 評比 博客來網路書局

Theory & Problem of Statistics & Econometrics 2-e博客來流行趨勢

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Theory & Problem of Statistics & Econometrics 2-e博客來流行趨勢
那裡買,Theory & Problem of Statistics & Econometrics 2-e博客來流行趨勢價格,Theory & Problem of Statistics & Econometrics 2-e博客來流行趨勢特賣會,Theory & Problem of Statistics & Econometrics 2-e博客來流行趨勢評比,Theory & Problem of Statistics & Econometrics 2-e博客來流行趨勢部落客 推薦

望門閨秀 5

待字閨中 卷1 吾家有女

破日 卷5



庶女攻略第二部:卷8 初成長

良田千頃 卷7 天賜良緣(完)

江山美人謀 卷5 戰群雄

待字閨中 卷3 宿世冤家

一品江山第二部 卷4 相見歡























Theory & Problem of Statistics & Econometrics 2-e博客來流行趨勢


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